Yoga My Life reveal new Marma point massage courses

Developed by Yoga My Life founder Farah-Naz Khan, Holistic Yoga Therapist and Trainer, the courses draw on traditional Ayurvedic massage techniques and holistic yoga self-care practices to restore harmony and balance to the body, mind and spirit.
The three courses include the Yoga My Life Afterglow Feet First Marma Point Massage course, which focusses on foot massage, the Yoga My Life Afterglow Indian Head Marma Point Massage Course which draws on the Indian technique of Champi scalp massage, and the Yoga My Life's Afterglow Face Marma Point Massage Course which utilises face massage and face mapping techniques.
All treatments also feature Yoga My Life Yoga My Life's Afterglow Pouring
Massage Candles or the brand's Yoga Replenish & Repair Night Oil as a natural massage medium.
Commenting on the new training courses, Farah-Naz Khan, Founder of
Yoga My Life, says:
“Yoga My Life Training courses offer the learner a complete package, uniquely combining accessible online learning complemented by specific skin care products from Yoga My Life's Afterglow natural and vegan skincare range.”
Yoga My Life